How to create a cohesive brand identity across multiple platforms

How to create a cohesive brand identity across multiple platforms

Alright, brand builders and consistency crusaders, buckle up! We’re about to embark on a wild ride through the world of cohesive brand identity. We’re talking about making your brand more recognizable than your own reflection, across more platforms than a gymnast at the Olympics.

But first, let me spin you a yarn from the branding trenches. Picture this: It’s 2017, and I’m working with a client who sells… wait for it… artisanal, hand-crafted dog bow ties. (Yes, that’s a thing. No, I don’t know why dogs need to be dapper, but here we are.) We had a beautiful logo, a sleek website, and a killer Instagram feed. We thought we were nailing this whole brand identity thing.

Then, we ventured onto LinkedIn. In our rush to appear “professional,” we abandoned our playful brand voice and whimsical visuals. The result? A profile that looked like it belonged to a stuffy corporate law firm, not a quirky pet accessory brand. Our followers were more confused than a cat in a dog park.

Turns out, consistency isn’t just about using the same logo everywhere. It’s about maintaining your brand’s essence across all platforms, even when you’re trying to put your best paw forward. Who knew?

So, how do you create a brand identity that’s more cohesive than a family of glue stick manufacturers? Well, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (or a glass of wine, I don’t judge), and let’s dive into the art of creating a cohesive brand identity across multiple platforms!

  1. Start with a Solid Brand Foundation

Before you start plastering your brand all over the internet like an overenthusiastic wallpaper hanger, you need to establish a solid brand foundation. Think of it as the bedrock of your brand – without it, everything else is just going to sink into the marketing quicksand.

Here’s what you need to nail down:

  • Brand Purpose: Why does your brand exist? (Besides making money, of course.) It’s like your brand’s reason for getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Brand Values: What does your brand stand for? These are like your brand’s moral compass. Without them, you’re just wandering aimlessly in the business wilderness.
  • Brand Personality: If your brand was a person, who would they be? The cool aunt? The reliable best friend? The quirky neighbor? Give your brand a personality that’s more defined than a Marvel superhero.
  • Target Audience: Who are you talking to? Get specific. “Everyone” is not a target audience. It’s a pipedream.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes you special? In a world of copycats, be the original. It’s like finding your brand’s superpower.

I once worked with a client who couldn’t define their brand personality. “We want to be everything to everyone,” they said. I told them that’s like trying to be a fish and a bird at the same time – you’ll end up doing neither well. We eventually settled on “the wise but approachable mentor,” and their messaging immediately became clearer than a window after a visit from a professional cleaner.

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Importance Of Effective Branding To Enhancing A Divorce Lawyer’s Income

Divorce lawyers are not likely to be the first that comes to mind when considering business sectors and professions that you would immediately associate with marketing and branding. You might see the occasional local ad, but when it comes to the internet and online marketing, a divorce lawyer and their law firm will rarely dominate Facebook or Google.

This begs the question, “Why not?”. We ask that because, given that almost all divorce lawyers operate within a finite local market, the internet and online marketing are primed for divorce lawyers to promote themselves and, more importantly, brand themselves within their local catchment area.

The point we are making is, just as local businesses like restaurants, landscapers, removalists, and pressure cleaners use digital marketing to build an online audience, augment their brand, and as a result, generate more leads, prospects, and clients, local divorce lawyers can do likewise.

Further,  the nature of what divorce lawyers do and the fees they earn for representing their clients give them an even greater incentive to brand themselves locally using digital marketing. For example, whilst someone visiting a restaurant might run up a bill of $200, a divorce lawyer’s fee from a single client could be $2,000 and more.

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